Update: 2014

Since it has been a good amount of time since I last posted (257 days to be exact), I figured I could pull the "I just became a dad this year" card as a good excuse this time. There will be more consistent updates and such on here (I promise) going forward, so please follow the blog and leave comments or send us an email if you would like. We would love to hear from you! Read on to find out what has been happening with us here in San Francisco! Jeremiah's first shopping cart ride! Family We received the greatest blessing of our married lives on February 4th this year, and he goes by the name of Jeremiah James Delarato! Born on January 28th, we found out a day later that the birth parents were looking for a Christian couple to adopt him, and we were excited yet anxious about being one of the few couples chosen to raise him. After answering a series of questions from the birth parents, waiting the weekend as they prayed about their decision, and finally meeting...