Practicing Gospel Remembrance

One of the things that I have adopted (or has adopted me) since getting married are some of my wife's friends that I never really met before: Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Natalie Morales, Al Roker, Willie Geist, Carson Daly (we were already buddies from MTV and his talk show), Tamron Hall, and, I get a sickly feeling admitting this, Hoda Kotb and Kathy Lee Gifford (but it's only sometimes though, ya know, when I'm hanging with everybody else and they show up and I just kind of linger around for a few minutes after everyone else leaves, because, ya know, they're more like acquaintances really...ummm...) Photo credit: Yes. The Today Show has become part of my morning ritual. I show up for the news and end up staying for the fun. I mean come on, they're just such a great, jovial group of goobers to start your day with, ya know? Anyway, the reason I'm writing this confession is to highlight the 2014 Today Show Yearender vid...