Practicing Gospel Remembrance

One of the things that I have adopted (or has adopted me) since getting married are some of my wife's friends that I never really met before: Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie,  Natalie Morales, Al Roker, Willie Geist, Carson Daly (we were already buddies from MTV and his talk show), Tamron Hall, and, I get a sickly feeling admitting this, Hoda Kotb and Kathy Lee Gifford (but it's only sometimes though, ya know, when I'm hanging with everybody else and they show up and I just kind of linger around for a few minutes after everyone else leaves, because, ya know, they're more like acquaintances really...ummm...)

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Yes. The Today Show has become part of my morning ritual. I show up for the news and end up staying for the fun. I mean come on, they're just such a great, jovial group of goobers to start your day with, ya know? 

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this confession is to highlight the 2014 Today Show Yearender video which compiles the top news stories of 2014. The video is, of course, a sobering reminder of how painful and tragic our world still is despite the many bright spots that still give us hope. It is important nonetheless because our current, fast-paced, information-heavy culture doesn't often take the time to stop and reflect on the past since the latest news equals more money, with the old stories get trampled on in the process.

Reflecting on each passing year has become a personal practice of mine since I entrusted my life to Christ over ten years ago. I became more intentional about journaling a few years into my walk, and even though I have tapered off a bit from being consistent with it, I still try to mark monumental moments as the Lord grows me and changes me more into his image. Usually, (although I haven't made ample time to do it for 2014 yet), I will get some time in with Jesus to read through my old journal entries, meditate and pray on how he has grown me, and praise him for the idols he has graciously yet firmly continued to remove from my heart. Another recent practice has been to sit down with some close brothers over some cigars and share with each other what the Lord has been doing in our lives over the year. 

This personal and communal practice of contemplation on my spiritual journey has at times been difficult to process, but more often it has been a cause of worship for me in seeing how, even in the slightest ways, the Holy Spirit has been growing and transforming me into the man I am meant to be in Christ. Practicing remembrance in the gospel's work in my own soul and with others helps me see that people really do change, and it's only by the Spirit's power that deep, inner heart change takes shape. 

As I thought about writing this post, I was struck by how often the Scriptures point to remembrance as an active form of worship to God. From the dominant theme of remembrance of Yahweh's greatness in the Exodus found in Deuteronomy, to the stones of remembrance Joshua places on the bank of the Jordan, to the covenant revival centered on remembrance found in Ezra-Nehemiah, to the new covenant initiated by Jesus in the Lord's Supper as a remembrance of the cross he was about to endure, practicing remembrance is weaved all throughout the Scriptures. And now, in our present age, Paul's words in 2 Timothy 8, 9 echo forward to us, "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!" 

Even though 2014 is on it's way out in less than twelve hours PST as of the time of this writing,  there is always plenty of time to practice gospel remembrance whether a year back or more. May you seize the opportunity to take even just ten minutes to do so, and may the God of all hope be praised in your contemplation on who he is, what he has done in Jesus, and what he continues to do in and through you as his redeemed child. 

Happy New Year, and may you be found praising him in the riches of his grace in 2015!


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